Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Twin Cabins (Dufflecoat)

Twin Cabin's EP on Dufflecoat is a beauty of sometimes asymmetric dream pop. "Pier cafe" is a bit of a shamble, but joyously, with guitars that sound like they are made from the Moon. "Lake Love" adds no-fi electronics, harsh beats and a haze of fuzz. Its a bit crazy and beautiful too, like the old Birmingham Central Library that masterpiece of brutalism before it was replaced by a cakebox.

"Cool kids" sounds like the kids are trapped in a psychopath's dungeon lair. Out of control electronics crash amid distorted dreamy guitar noises sounding a bit like Stuxnet taking control of the end of the world. "With benefits" is quite crazy, a jumble of noises and half-heard tones and sheer joy. "If you could" is a bit nursery rhythm at the start, before exploding into another noise fest.

It can be a bit odd yes but also beautiful. Amid the chaos is a pure beauty. Love it!

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