Sunday, May 30, 2010

Lena - satellite (updated)

Its Eurovision again, not very psychedelic (though some of the acts make you feel you have taken drugs). I like the German entry by the lovely Lena Meyer-Landrut.

Douze points from me anyway. Update : and douze points from a lot of other people too, Lena won! So Eurovision will be in Germany in 2011, they are probably the only country left who can afford it though.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

MV : "I am the walrus" by The Beatles

Ringo is so cool!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Cream - Disraeli gears

A bit of blues rock with a psychedelic edge. You have got to love the cover of this album, one of the classic psychedelic album covers in my view. As for the music well it is always interesting to hear album tracks you have not heard of before when you are only familiar with their hits or best known tracks. I like "World of pain" and it's lyric about a tree.